“Becoming an artist does not merely mean learning something, acquiring professional techniques and methods. Indeed, as someone has said, in order to write well you have to forget the grammar.”
― Andrei Tarkovsky
shipping (2024, 4min)
wrapping [transmission 1877] (2024, 6min)
transmissions [3569-16117-1 through 3569-22115-2] (2022, 16min)
ˈwɪntɚ #23 (2022, 24min)
Sudden Walk (2021, 5min)
transmission 3569-78-1 (2021, 9min)
Life in General [so far] (2018, 27min)
Sister (2018, 7min)
A.1 (2018, 3min)
KFK 04|02|02 (2017, 5min)
You don’t (2015, 10min)
W. (2015, 2min)
Julia (2015, 2min)
Image #7 (2014, 4min)
Eisenofen (2014, 17min)
Le Process (2013, 39min)
Prolog für ein Winterstipendium am Meer (Installation 2013, 12min)
The Return off (2012, 5min)
Trapped in the Tube (2012, 1min)
Fas 234 (2012, 20min, mit Stephana Schmidt)
Exhibition (Experimenteller Dokumentarfilm 2012, 8min)
Grauzone (Super-8 Film zur Ausstellung Moskauer Strasse 2010, 22min)
Vtb3 (Installation 2008, 22min)
DOCUMENT (Dokumentationsserie von Performances, seit 2011)
Life in General (seit 2016) 190 Kurzfilme
Generally Not (Experimentelle Kurzfilmreihe, seit 2017)
1min (Experimentelle Kurzfilmreihe, seit 2018)
Entschlüsse (2003, 4min)
Heimkehr (2004, 8min )
Pferdekopf/Horsehead (2006, 4min)
Großer Lärm (2006, 10min)
Fahrgast/Passenger (2008, 10min)
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