Julien van Grey studied photography at the Lette School of Design in Berlin from 1999-2001. After graduation he went into experimental photography and filmmaking. His works have been shown in various exhibitions, art-fairs, and film-festivals in Germany, England, Irland, France, Sweden, Greece, and the U.S.A. His focus lies primarily on exploring and extending the way we see.

mail: mail (at) vangrey.de


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new film: shipping


“shipping” is – after “wrapping” – the 2nd film accompanying the Church photo series. while the photo series deals with rural churches, it’s architecture and placement in the landscape, the films deal with christian faith in the United States. they represent a random, subjective view on how faith is lived and perceived, rather than trying to give an accurate overview on anything called Christian religious practice in America

  1. Exhibit/group show: hell — behind the scenes Leave a reply
  2. Shortlisted! – Best Experimental + Best screenplay Leave a reply
  3. ARTSPRINGNALE 2022 Leave a reply
  4. transmissions at Lift-Off Festival Leave a reply
  5. Generally Not #3 – Finalist for Rome Prisma Film Awards Leave a reply
  6. wɪntɚ #23 at Mannheim International Arts and Film Festival Leave a reply
  7. 2nd transmission-film finished Leave a reply
  8. new „transmission“ film Leave a reply
  9. Generally Not – Werkschau Teil 3 @ bar rakete Comments Off on Generally Not – Werkschau Teil 3 @ bar rakete
  10. Live Screening: Transmission 3569-78-1 Leave a reply
  11. Kafka auf Super-8 – Werkschau Teil 2 @ bar rakete Comments Off on Kafka auf Super-8 – Werkschau Teil 2 @ bar rakete
  12. Life in General – Werkschau Teil 1 @ bar rakete 1 Reply
  13. Apparat Obscura Leave a reply
  14. Industrielle Architektur als Spiegelbild der Industriekultur Comments Off on Industrielle Architektur als Spiegelbild der Industriekultur
  15. Presentation of Works at Rathausgallery Hülsen Leave a reply
  16. EIGHTGREY #5 Leave a reply
  17. Generally Not Austria Leave a reply
  18. Premiere ! Popkorn ! Artspring ! Leave a reply
  19. GRAUZONE @ ART SPRING 2019 Leave a reply