Set in Concrete | Urban Screening | PARIS

Chic Art Fair Paris and PvonK Berlin have been working in collaboration to organize a URBAN SCREENING on an outside concrete wall, longing the River Seine in Paris.

The Screening “SET IN CONCRETE” will take place every evening during the Chic Art Fair: OCTOBER, 20th-24th 2011. Among the works shown will be a 4min ecxerpt of Grauzone.

‘Set in Concrete’ will be hosted by Chic Art Fair Paris :
Thursday October, the 20th – Opening : Projection from 7pm to 9 pm (twice)
Friday/Saturday/Sunday October 21st to 23d : Projection from 7pm to 8 pm

More details about Set in Concrete will be published at the end of September at

For a complete list of participating artists have a look here.

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